What's in our protect + defend blend?


Cancer, type 2 diabetes, elevated cholesterol, “hardening of the arteries” (arteriosclerosis), ongoing liver disease, bloodstream disorders, and digestive issues are all treated with the Agaricus mushroom.


Chaga decreases inflammation protects against illness, and aids in blood sugar and cholesterol regulation. Polysaccharides are also present, which have been shown to promote immune function and overall health.


Cordyceps militaris is a common supplement for athletes because it boosts energy and stamina. Cordyceps have also been investigated for their antioxidant properties.


Reishi, also known as the “Mushroom of Immortality,” is high in antioxidants that boost immunity, relieve tension, and promote calmness.


Cancer, type 2 diabetes, elevated cholesterol, “hardening of the arteries” (arteriosclerosis), ongoing liver disease, bloodstream disorders, and digestive issues are all treated with the Agaricus mushroom.


Diarrhea, stomach pain, itchy skin, hypertension, inflammation, diabetes, systemic lupus, and tumorigenic diseases have all been treated with Antrodia. The mushroom is said to help the immune system by naturally stimulating it. Antrodia cinnamomea has also been shown to have antioxidant properties, reducing oxidative damage caused by free radicals that occur naturally.

Lion's Mane

Bioactive substances found in Lion’s Mane (Yamabushitake) mushrooms have beneficial effects on the body, especially the brain. Not only is Lion’s Mane thought to aid with memory and concentration, but it can also help with cognitive performance and the nervous system.

Agaricus Blazei

Agaricus blazei contains a lot of b-glucans in addition to immunomodulating polysaccharides. It has anti-infection, anti-allergic, and anti-asthmatic properties in mouse models, as well as anti-inflammatory effects in inflammatory bowel disease patients. B-glucan extracts from the mushroom have been shown to help lower blood glucose, triglyceride, and cholesterol levels, making it beneficial for people who are trying to lower their cholesterol.


The polysaccharides in maitake can reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol without affecting your triglyceride or HDL (good) cholesterol levels. Beta-glucan in Maitake can help improve your immune system in addition to supporting heart health.


Oyster mushrooms contain a variety of compounds that are believed to have health-promoting properties. Dietary fiber, beta-glucan and several other polysaccharides a form of carbohydrate that has been shown to influence immune function are among these substances.

King Trumpet

The amino acid ergothioneine is present in King Trumpet, and it helps to cleanse sensitive parts of the body including the liver and kidneys.

Turkey Tail

Cancer, type 2 diabetes, elevated cholesterol, “hardening of the arteries” (arteriosclerosis), ongoing liver disease, bloodstream disorders, and digestive issues are all treated with the Agaricus mushroom.

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